Reporting Bugs
I really hate bugs (the software kind I don't have anything against insects) so if you have discovered what you beleve to be a bug please follow the procedures below so we don't receive duplicate bug reports and so we can better find the cause of genuine bug reports.
- Check to see if you are using the most recent version of ATX. The AsssignmentTracker X Summary Page will always display the most recent version though you should ignore versions with numbers like 1.1a or 2.0b for example as these are early beta versions.
- Go to the Bug Section in the ATX Sourceforge Page and make sure your bug hasn't already been reported. If it has not already been reported then go on to the next step.
Login to sourceforge if you haven't already signed in (or
register for free
) and please provide, as best you can, the following information
- The Version number as it appears in the About Box
- How often you can reproduce the bug
- How you reproduced the bug
- Any other information you can give that would help me
Please be assured that I take bug reports seriously, especially severe bug reports. I will, in many cases, stop current development to fix an especially severe bug. Anybody can follow the progress of any bug(s) of the bug page irregardless of wether you have a Sourceforge login or not. Thanks!